Dave's Math Tables: z-distribution
(Math | Stat | Distributions | z-Distribution)

The z- is a N(0, 1) distribution, given by the equation:

f(z) = 1/sqrt(2PI) e(-z^2/2)
The area within an interval (a,b) = normalcdf(a,b) = integral(a to b) e-z^2/2 dz (It is not integratable algebraically.)

The Taylor expansion of the above assists in speeding up the calculation:
normalcdf(-inf, z) = 1/2 + 1/sqrt(2PI) sum (k=0..inf) [ ( (-1)^k x^(2k+1) ) / ( (2k+1) 2^k k! ) ]

Standard Normal Probabilities:
(The table is based on the area P under the standard normal probability curve, below the respective z-statistic.)

Java Normal Probability Calculator (for Microsoft 2.0+/Netscape 2.0+/Java Script browsers only)
To find the area P under the normal probability curve N(mean, standard_deviation) within the interval (left, right), type in the 4 parameters and press "Calculate". The standard normal curve N(0,1) has a mean=0 and s.d.=1. Use -inf and +inf for infinite limits.

left boundright boundmeanstandard deviation
normal graph

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